Enhancing Landscapes With Plantable Retaining Wall Blocks
Upgrading block retaining walls from grade separators to living vertical landscapes using plantable blocks.
Upgrading block retaining walls from grade separators to living vertical landscapes using plantable blocks.
We are amazed by the versatility of the Varden vertical growing system and you may be surprised by it as well!
Our original product design is still our favorite for creating incredible living beauty in spaces people inhabit, and we need to make some noise about it.
Can you believe that our Varden Vertical Garden components can be used to create a huge event display called the Flower Cube for Coachella? See it all here!
If you are wondering how a small vertical garden supply company ended up in an episode of one of the hottest remodelling TV shows, this is your blog post!
Searching for Wall Planters gets confusing with all the different names in the Green Building Industry! Maybe this post will help.
Vertical Gardening on Television We have had a big [...]
How do I fertilize my vertical garden? Fertilization is [...]
Vertical vs Raised Bed Gardening Everyone, rise up for [...]
Hydroponic tower gardening is a new alternative for beginners but is it better than Vertical Gardening?