Garden Planting Season is Here
If you want great "how to" information to plant your vertical garden or living retaining wall, this is your place to start.
If you want great "how to" information to plant your vertical garden or living retaining wall, this is your place to start.
Now is the time to learn more about home gardening and to create food security for your family in 2023.
Vertical Gardening on Television We have had a big [...]
Food as Medicine for the Modern Gardener We all [...]
How do I fertilize my vertical garden? Fertilization is [...]
Vertical vs Raised Bed Gardening Everyone, rise up for [...]
Hydroponic tower gardening is a new alternative for beginners but is it better than Vertical Gardening?
Continual Harvesting for Year Round GardeningIf you live in an [...]
How to Build a Vertical Garden, the Varden™ Way [...]
What are the best things to plant for a new [...]