Enhancing Landscapes With Plantable Retaining Wall Blocks
Upgrading block retaining walls from grade separators to living vertical landscapes using plantable blocks.
Upgrading block retaining walls from grade separators to living vertical landscapes using plantable blocks.
We are amazed by the versatility of the Varden vertical growing system and you may be surprised by it as well!
Our original product design is still our favorite for creating incredible living beauty in spaces people inhabit, and we need to make some noise about it.
We review Living Retaining Wall project pictures and information sent in by one of our customers. This project helps us point out some hidden benefits of using light weight, plantable, wall blocks for difficult access project locations.
Get inspired for your next landscape project with this uniquely planted retaining wall garden project review!
The positive environmental impact of living retaining walls is a hidden gem in a huge market.
If you want great "how to" information to plant your vertical garden or living retaining wall, this is your place to start.
Can you believe that our Varden Vertical Garden components can be used to create a huge event display called the Flower Cube for Coachella? See it all here!
If you are wondering how a small vertical garden supply company ended up in an episode of one of the hottest remodelling TV shows, this is your blog post!
Vertical Garden Systems allow gardens in unused spaces and out-of-the-way places, so everyone can begin growing some of their own food, even if short on space.